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Spending $$ to save $$ and make $$

August 18, 2024

3.5 minutes

​Last week, Adam and I were on-site with a client in the Atlanta Tech Village. The trip brought me back to when I visited Salesloft in the building as they started scaling their revenue. Check out some of the companies that have graduated from the ATV:

We love to get on-site with our clients; we can complete a few weeks' work in a few days. We will be onsite with customers over the next few weeks and look forward to many productive meetings.

Estimated reading time is 3.5 minutes—feel free to hit reply and share your takeaways or questions.

On Deck

  • Saving money when hiring GTM Experts
  • Lessons Learned as a Fractional GTM Leader
  • Content We Can't Get Enough Of
  • The Horror and the Beauty of AI ft. Ryan Staley | Revenue Reimagined Ep. 053


Companies are constantly pressured to scale quickly while maintaining profitability in today's market. Yet, many businesses, especially startups and companies in transition, need more resources, efficient processes, and costly hiring mistakes. This is where the expertise of proven Go-To-Market (GTM) professionals becomes invaluable. Hiring knowledgeable and proven GTM experts is not just a strategic move—it’s a money-saving decision that can profoundly impact your bottom line.

Expertise in Navigating Market Complexities

GTM experts bring a wealth of experience in navigating the intricate dynamics of various markets. They deeply understand customer behaviors, competitive landscapes, and industry trends, allowing them to make informed decisions that can significantly reduce costly errors. Without this expertise, companies often overspend on hiring, campaigns that don’t resonate with their target audience or launch products without proper market validation. A GTM expert can streamline these efforts, ensuring that every dollar spent contributes to achieving clear business objectives.


  • Understand market nuances: Evaluate how well your current strategies align with evolving customer behaviors and market trends (are you utilizing all channels for outreach?)
  • Reduce trial-and-error: Consider how often you’ve relied on guesswork and the costs associated with those mistakes.
  • Leverage competitor insights: Think about how well you understand your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and how this knowledge is applied to your GTM strategies.

Implementation of Effective and Efficient Processes

One of the most common pitfalls in growing companies is the need for standardized processes. Teams can become disorganized without efficient processes, leading to miscommunication, duplicated efforts, and wasted resources. GTM will implement processes that drive efficiency and productivity. They know how to establish understandable workflows, define roles and responsibilities, and use data-driven strategies to measure and optimize performance. Creating a well-oiled machine helps companies save money by maximizing output with minimal input.


  • Audit your current processes: Identify areas where your team needs more time due to inefficiencies or lack of clear workflows.
  • Standardize procedures: Determine which processes can be standardized to ensure consistency and reduce team errors.
  • Measure performance: Consider whether you have the right metrics to monitor the efficiency of your sales and marketing operations.

Hiring the Right Revenue Team Members

Building a revenue-generating team is not just about filling positions; it’s about hiring the right people who align with the company’s goals and culture. GTM experts understand GTM talent and know exactly what skills and attributes are needed for each role. Their experience recruiting top performers and extensive networks (a must-have) ensures that the company invests in team members who drive growth rather than drain resources. Moreover, they can help avoid the costly consequences of bad hires, including wasted salaries, lost time, and even damage to team morale and company reputation.


  • Assess current talent: Evaluate whether your team members align with your company’s goals and culture.
  • Prioritize cultural fit: Consider how much value you place on cultural fit during the hiring process and its impact on team dynamics.
  • Invest in onboarding: Reflect on the effectiveness of your onboarding process in setting new hires up for success.

Optimizing Customer Acquisition and Retention

Due to ineffective strategies, customer acquisition and retention are critical to sustainable growth, yet many companies need to spend more in these areas. GTM experts understand the nuances of customer journeys and can design strategies that attract and retain the right customers at a lower cost. They can optimize marketing spend by focusing on channels and tactics that yield the highest return on investment. Additionally, they know how to build and maintain customer relationships, leading to higher customer lifetime value and reduced churn rates.


  • Analyze customer acquisition cost (CAC): Evaluate how much you spend to acquire each customer and whether this can be reduced.
  • Refine customer targeting: Think about how well you’re targeting the right customers and whether your current strategies are attracting the most profitable ones.
  • Focus on retention strategies: Assess the effectiveness of your current customer retention strategies and their impact on your bottom line. There is revenue in hiring your customer success team.

Strategic Decision-Making Based on Data

One of the most significant advantages of hiring GTM experts is their ability to make strategic decisions based on data rather than intuition. Data-driven decision-making helps companies avoid costly mistakes, such as entering the wrong market or launching a product without proper validation. GTM experts use analytics and market research to guide their strategies, ensuring that every move is backed by evidence. This approach not only saves money but also increases the likelihood of success.


  • Leverage data insights: Reflect on how much you rely on data versus intuition when making strategic decisions.
  • Implement data-driven strategies: Consider the tools and processes you have to ensure data is at the core of your decision-making.
  • Avoid costly assumptions: Review past decisions based on assumptions rather than data and their financial impact.

Reducing the Risk of Failure

Finally, the most significant cost-saving benefit of hiring GTM experts is the reduced risk of failure. Businesses that attempt to scale without experienced guidance often fall victim to common pitfalls such as misaligned strategies, poor market fit, and inefficient scaling efforts. GTM experts have been through the trenches and deeply understand what works and what doesn’t. Their insights and foresight can help your company avoid these costly mistakes, paving the way for sustainable growth and long-term profitability.


  • Identify common pitfalls: Reflect on past failures or near-misses and the common factors contributing to them.
  • Mitigate risks proactively: Consider the proactive steps you take to identify and mitigate potential risks before they become costly mistakes.
  • Learn from experience: Consider how much your team leverages past experiences (successes and failures) to inform current strategies.


In the end, hiring knowledgeable, proven GTM experts is a strategic investment that pays for itself many times over. From implementing efficient processes and hiring the right team members to accelerating time-to-market and optimizing customer acquisition, GTM experts play a crucial role in saving money and driving growth. In a world where every dollar counts, their expertise is not just an asset—it’s a necessity.

By understanding these professionals' value, companies can position themselves for success and ensure they survive and thrive in the competitive landscape. If you’re serious about scaling efficiently and effectively, it’s time to bring GTM experts into your team.

Lessons Learned as a Fractional GTM Leader

In this new section, we aim to bring you real-life lessons each week, either from us or one of the founders we work with.

All names have been changed to protect the identities of others...

This week, we have a unique learning edition. We heard about one of the largest collections of red flags and had to share. Read on for a masterclass on what NOT to do when building a growth-stage company.

We've all had jobs that threw some curveballs our way: a good boss who suddenly leaves, an executive who's not the nicest person, or a quarter (or two, or three) where the sales teams must make it to quota.

But what happens when it's all those things at once and then some? And you just joined the company? We call that nightmare fuel.

🚩 The $5mil start-up gets PE backing, and its first move is to acquire 3-4 other companies in a similar space from across the globe within 12 months.

🚩 Founder-CEO has left and been replaced by a PE Operating Partner with 20 years of finance experience and next-to-zero sales experience.

🚩Every team, from Product to Implementation to Sales, is a hodge-podge from the legacy companies. These new hires claim to be 'experienced' 'industry' 'pros', and outside hires with no industry experience.

🚩 A new CRO was brought in with experience in precisely this stage of growth and re-org. The company has been given the bandwidth to make some strategic Director and above hires, but it must reduce existing IC headcount to balance.

🚩 Two new Directors (including our protagonist) and one SVP are brought in to fill out the revenue org, which has zero onboarding process. Our protagonist is tasked with building onboarding, including onboarding 2 new AEs and 3 SDRs who started the same month she started.

🚩 The 1H numbers come in at ~65% below plan. Read that again... ~65% BELOW. PLAN.

🚩 70% of sales org has less than six months tenure going into Q3

🚩 Two weeks into Q3, the CRO who hired our protagonist is fired. The CEO steps in as the interim CRO to run sales.

🚩The CEO's management style lands somewhere between "combative" and "toxic"

🚩 Three weeks into Q3, one of the remaining S/VPs of Sales and the top SDR resigns.

🚩 Four weeks into Q3, the top performing AE worldwide is promoted to VP of Sales for APAC, without management experience, and a team of 3 AEs and SDRs is realigned under her

🚩 Five weeks into Q3, the CMO resigns, the Director of Sales Development is fired, and the sole AE in the highest-ACV segment is fired.

🚩 Also five weeks into Q3, the CEO reassigns interim CRO responsibilities to another Operating Partner from the PE group, who knows nothing about the business

🚩 In the same stroke, the two remaining sales VPs were relieved of their managerial duties and assigned sales-only responsibilities. All sellers now report directly to the new interim CRO.

🚩 The sales enablement function is realigned to the HR department, and the sole RevOps employee is given informal managerial responsibilities over the Marketing team

Need we go on? There's more, but you get the picture.

The good news is our protagonist has moved on from the company. The bad news is decisions like this are made daily within organizations. We've just never seen it this bad, all at once, within one organization.

How many of you have gone through 5+ of these red flags in an organization?

Content We Can't Get Enough Of

Are you looking to upping your outbound game? Fiona Simpson is a master in sales enablement, coaching, and assisting with executing events - she has helped many people in the revenue community. Check out this post from Fiona Simpson:

Should You Use Video in Sales? ft. Melissa Gaglione | Revenue Reimagined Ep. 057

Melissa Gaglione is the Head of Sales at Senspark, a company focused on innovative video communication solutions. She previously founded Melissa Gagon LLC, which hosted community events and provided individual coaching on video selling and brand building. Melissa’s unique journey from SDR to sales leader is marked by her strong belief in the power of video to connect with prospects and drive sales.

Key Takeaways:

1. The Power of Video Selling:

  • Start Small: Begin with familiar platforms like Instagram or TikTok to get comfortable with video.
  • Personal Connection: Video lets prospects see your personality and build trust.
  • Leverage Technology: Tools like Senspark can automate personalized video outreach, saving time while maintaining impact.

2. Leadership and Team Development:

  • Proactive Coaching: Regular coaching sessions on specific skills help team members grow.
  • Empathy and Involvement: Involve your team in problem-solving to make them feel valued and part of the decision-making process.
  • Avoid Ivory Tower Syndrome: Stay informed about industry trends and be present with your team to make better decisions.

3. Entrepreneurial Journey

  • Starting Early: Begin taking small steps towards your entrepreneurial goals, even if it’s just setting up an LLC.
  • Embrace Surprises: The entrepreneurial path has unexpected successes and learning opportunities.
  • Long-Term Vision: As a business owner or a leader, keep your ultimate goal in mind and work towards it incrementally.

4. Adapting to Market Changes

  • Stay Competitive: Continuously explore new tools, techniques, and strategies to keep your team ahead of the curve.
  • Video in B2B: As video becomes more integral in B2B communication, companies must adopt and master it to stay relevant.
  • Customer Connection: Founders and leaders should use video not just for sales but to connect with customers and showcase their brand’s personality.

5. Tools and Techniques for Success

  • Automation in Video: Use tools like Senspark to scale personalized video communication without losing the personal touch.
  • Video Content Strategy: Start by sharing expertise and insights on social platforms, then transition to more targeted video marketing in B2B.
  • Continuous Learning: Keep refining your video skills, which are increasingly crucial in modern sales and marketing efforts.

Whether you're a founder, entrepreneur, or business leader, this episode is packed with actionable insights you can implement today.

Don't miss out on this game-changing conversation. Click here to listen now.


Don't hesitate to reply to this email with feedback or questions that Adam, Jake, and I can help with—we love engaging with you and supporting our community in any way we can.

Talk soon,


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